Ultimate Guide To Saving On Equipment Costs for 2020 | Orbitbid Online
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Ultimate Guide To Saving On Equipment Costs for 2020

With 2020 just having begun you may have already made your new year’s resolutions but it’s never too late to begin your efforts to save on equipment costs this year. Every equipment owner, whether you are a business or independent owner knows how expensive equipment can be, meaning that small cost savings add up when it comes to your equipment. So, going into this new year, we have the best tips and tricks for you to save on equipment for 2020.

Purchase Used Equipment

Purchasing used equipment is a great way to save money this coming year. You can purchase a great, reliable piece of machinery for a fraction of the cost! We here at Orbitbid sell hundreds of high quality, used pieces of equipment each year on our online auctions. If you want to check out some of our current equipment listings, click here!

Keep Your Equipment Clean

By keeping your equipment clean, you will better preserve the materials that your machines are made out of. Less rust, and damage will keep your equipment running longer! Not to mention by washing your equipment routinely you’ll be able to better see any issues that might be arising.

clean equipment

Do Preventive Maintenance Checks

Preventive maintenance checks are one of the main ways that you can save money on your equipment this year. It’s always a good idea to routinely be checking your equipment so you can look for any issues that might be on the horizon. Take the time to check over your machinery top to bottom at least once a week to ensure that it is in great working condition.

Keep Track Of Service Hours

Keeping Track of service hours is a good way to keep track of the wear and tear on your equipment and gives you a good scope and timeline of when your equipment might need maintenance. More service hours also means that you need to keep a closer eye on your equipment watching for any issues that might arise.

Schedule and Plan Maintenance

Scheduling and planning time for maintenance is a great way to save on costs. Scheduling your maintenance will keep you accountable when it comes to preventive maintenance measures but also it will allow a professional to handle your equipment on a routine. You may pay more upfront for a replacement part or repair that hadn’t QUITE broken yet, but you will save money in the long term of not having your equipment breakdown or need maintenance when you most need it leaving you in a jam.

equipment maintenance

Budget For Equipment Servicing

It’s always a good idea to budget for your equipment servicing. It’s a good way to plan ahead for any unexpected costs while also building into your expenses preventive maintenance costs that will occur. Be sure to sit down and go over your budget this year and work in the cost of equipment servicing as well as an “emergency fund” for any unforeseen repairs that might sneak up on you!

Train Your Equipment Operators

Lastly and maybe one of the easiest and important ways to save money on your equipment this year is by taking the time to train your machine operators. Sit your machine operators down and go through the everyday operations and expectations of your equipment. This might include talking to them about proper idling times, how and when to speak up if an issue arises, as well as the proper ways to run and operate the equipment.

Reducing equipment costs doesn’t have to be hard, and ultimately we know that it can be a huge benefit to your business! So take the time to be more intentional about the use of your equipment this year, and find yourself with a few extra dollars at the end of the year.

For more information on how to buy or sell equipment with Orbitbid, please contact us today!