What We Do
Orbitbid.com is an online auction site. Through Orbitbid.com we specialize is selling any assets from a seller’s personal location. Buyers and sellers alike find our online process to be efficient and convenient. You’ll always be working with an Orbitbid.com team member, never a buyer and/or seller you don’t know. The whole process is safe and easy. Join buyers and sellers from all over the world on Orbitbid.com to bid on U.S.A online auctions!
Orbitbid.com is able to conduct a wide variety of online auctions. With experience handling business liquidation auctions, online machinery auctions for construction equipment or agricultural equipment, as well as tool auctions, we are sure to be able to help you sell your assets. Please call, email, or fill out our contact form to get in touch with us about your own auction. We will get back to you as soon as we can, we want to make sure your auction is a huge success.
Check out the video below for a solid overview of what our company is all about!

Orbitbid.com is a Miedema Asset Management Group Company and award winning auction specialist since 1984